in own
Attributable to the equity holders of the Company
Other reservesRetained
redemption reserve
Closing balance at 30 March 20182.0151.0(9.4)0.3(3.2)281.2421.9
Prior year adjustment(11.7)(11.7)
Closing balance at 30 March 2018 (restated)2.0151.0(9.4)0.3(3.2)269.5410.2
Impact of adoption of IFRS 15(3.3)(3.3)
Opening balance at 30 March 20182.0151.0(9.4)0.3(3.2)266.2406.9
Total comprehensive income for the period
Profit for the period41.941.9
Other comprehensive income
Cash flow hedges:
Fair value changes in the period7.47.4
Changes in fair value of investment(8.1)(8.1)
Income tax on other comprehensive income
Total other comprehensive income for the
period net of tax
Total comprehensive income for the period7.433.841.2
Hedging gains and losses and costs of
hedging transferred to the cost of inventory
Transactions with owners
Share options exercised(1.0)(1.0)
Share-based payment transactions0.40.4
Income tax on share-based payment transactions0.30.3
Dividends to equity holders(35.9)(35.9)
Total transactions with owners(0.6)(35.6)(36.2)
Closing balance at 29 March 2019 (restated)2.0151.0(10.0)0.31.6264.4409.3
Impact of adoption of IFRS 16(25.1)(25.1)
Opening balance at 29 March 20192.0151.0(10.0)0.31.6239.3384.2
Total comprehensive income for the period
Profit for the period17.517.5
Other comprehensive income
Fair value changes in the period7.9(2.3)5.6
Income tax on other comprehensive income(0.7)(0.8)(1.5)
Total other comprehensive income for the
period net of tax
Total comprehensive income for the period7.214.421.6
Hedging gains and losses and costs of
hedging transferred to the cost of inventory
Transactions with owners
Share options exercised
Share-based payment transactions1.01.0
Income tax on share-based payment transactions(0.2)(0.2)
Dividends to equity holders(36.6)(36.6)
Total transactions with owners(35.8)(35.8)
Balance at 3 April 20202.0151.0(10.0)0.34.6217.9365.8

*The Group has initially applied IFRS 16 at 30 March 2019, using the modified retrospective approach. Under this approach, comparative information is not restated and the cumulative effect of  applying IFRS 16 is recognised in Retained earnings at the date of initial application. See Note 13.

The notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.